BgList is an app to access and manage any collection in boardgamegeek. His main features are:
- Create and update your collection of the boardgamegeek and your friends too.
- Consult the games and his detail offline.
- Searches a game on a collection or in the boardgamegeek.
- Get random game to start to play
- Apply filters to obtain new results: collection, list, numplays, best with, recommend for, time played, year of publication, type, manage, difficulty, rating game, rating user, own, forward, wishlist, pre-order.
- It order boardgames by name, numplays, user rating or bgg rating.
- Rate a boardgame of your collection and it this sincronice with boardgamegeek.
- Register your plays for any game (in your collection or no) with automatic post in tweeter.
- Modify a game (own, wishlist, fortrade, preordred) and it this sincronice with boardgamegeek.
- Create custom list of your collection and share with your friends.
- Consult the log of your plays and your friends too.
- Sorts plays for years, month, days or boardgame.
BgList is available in English and Spanish.
Video Demo for the app: